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Oleg Kostyuchenko
Pure and White

Oil, canvas
180х130 cm

Installation: frozen water, a lock of hair

This stitch can be considered as the metaphysical embodiment of injury. It’s like a scar wich remains forever with a carrier and reminds him/her of the past, but, at the same time, it only symbolizes what happened without any details. We can assume that the artist wants to conduct a trauma therapy session. The renovation of the stitch means repeating the once made action, reacting that causes a wave of memories of the past and makes the participant of the events draw the line between the past and the present, and thus, break the vicious circle.

Curator Oleg Kostyuchenko (Belarus)

Oleg Kostyuchenko

Pure and White

Painting: Oil, canvas 180х130 cm 2019 Installation: frozen water, a lock of hair 2019 This…

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