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Oleg Kostyuchenko in the project ‘’ Talent for Export ‘’represents five modern Belarusian artists united within one country. The word ‘’export ‘’ originates from Latin word ‘’exporto’’ which literally means ‘’to send goods and services from a port of a country or a state’’. The author raises the issues of borders and self-realization in a language of Modern Art. This is an attempt to find zones and regions which do not carry asocial burden, an attempt of fundamental transformation requiring reaction and response.
‘’Talent for Export’’ is the indignation of the beginningless of life nature against any attempts to order the world, it is the rebelling of wish against ban, happenstance against law, possibility against reality, illusion against verity. It is an attempt to blow up non-individual values, to turn into dust any discursive ways of the cognition (science, philosophy, art, literature) because they are poisoned by rationality, – and it is all to break the tape which separates inner from outer, dream from reality, conscious from unconscious, to hold eternity in a momentary and thus to take the existence back to its primeval chastity, completeness and unity

Curator Oleg Kostyuchenko (Belarus)

Oleg Kostyuchenko in the project ‘’ Talent for Export ‘’represents five modern Belarusian artists united within one country. The word ‘’export ‘’ originates from Latin word ‘’exporto’’ which literally means ‘’to send goods and services from a port of a country or a state’’. The author raises the issues of borders and self-realization in a language of Modern Art. This is an attempt to find zones and regions which do not carry asocial burden, an attempt of fundamental transformation requiring reaction and response.
‘’Talent for Export’’ is the indignation of the beginningless of life nature against any attempts to order the world, it is the rebelling of wish against ban, happenstance against law, possibility against reality, illusion against verity. It is an attempt to blow up non-individual values, to turn into dust any discursive ways of the cognition (science, philosophy, art, literature) because they are poisoned by rationality, – and it is all to break the tape which separates inner from outer, dream from reality, conscious from unconscious, to hold eternity in a momentary and thus to take the existence back to its primeval chastity, completeness and unity



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